International Society for the History of Pharmacy - ISHP

Internationale Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie -- Société Internationale d'Histoire de la Pharmacie

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was founded 1926. The society is established to form an international centre for handling all matters of a pharmaceutical historical nature without commercial interests.

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ISHP: Aims & Scope

ISHP promotes science, mainly research, teaching and publications in the field of pharmaceutical history. A main focus lies in organising an International Congress every two years. In the area of publications the ISHP supports the Pharmaceutical Historian. To promote research the society offers a grant: ISHP research fellowship.

Member Societies

ISHP is the head organization of 27 national societies for the history of pharmacy.

Pharmaceutical Historian

is an international journal for the history of pharmacy published by the British Society for the History of Pharmacy on behalf of the ISHP. The first number appeared in 1967 (ISSN 0079-1393, Print), and it is now an peer reviewed online open access journal, see Editorials: A New Chapter for Pharmaceutical Historian.

Working Group History of Pharmacopoeias

This initial from the "Antidotarium magnus" of the University Library of Basel, one of the oldest European formularies is helping to accompany the way to the “Working Group History of Pharmacopoeias” of the International Society. Here you will find several texts that cover a vast panorama of the history of pharmacopoeias in the world.

Oral Presentation Database

The ISHP Oral Presentation Database lists talks given since 2005 related to the history of pharmacy worldwide. Beside the title the database contains the the name of the author and a contact email address. The date, place and occasion of the talk are also given. Here you will find the recent and upcoming talks and also the archive.

International Congress

A main focus of the societies work lies in organising an International Congress every two years. The next ISHP-Congress will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, September 4th - 7th, 2024. The program can be found here.