In Memoriam: Yngve Torud
- Posted by Stefan Wulle
- on Feb, 05, 2017
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ISHP regrets to announce the death of Yngve Torud, former president of the ISHP, passed away on 12th January 2017, at the age of 76.
Born January 30, 1940, he studied pharmacy in Oslo (1965), was provisor at Lillestrøm apotek and became technical director of the Norwegian Pharmacy Association – Norges Apotekerforening – from 1968. In 1983 he was appointed professor of Pharmacy at the Pharmaceutical Institute in Oslo (Farmasøytisk institutt UiO). From 1989 to 2001 he worked as pharmacist at Svaneapotheket in Oslo.
Yngve Torud was a distinguished historian of pharmacy, he published numerous articles and edited several books including Apotekfarmasi gjennom 100 år (1981). His international professional and scientific activities were well-known. He was president of the ISHP from 1989 to 1999, was member of the Norwegian Society for the History of Pharmacy and served as its president from 2003 to 2017 and also was a member of the International Academy of the History of Pharmacy.
Among his many honors for his professional work were the medal Det giftige kors (Crux venenifera), Norways highest award in pharmacy in 1999 and La médaille de la Ville de Paris in 1995.
Yngve Torud will best be remembered as a kind, gentle man with a great sense of humor and generous spirit, and a deep bass. He was respected by colleagues worldwide, they will miss him very much.