Member Societies

Australia Australian Academy of the History of Pharmacy
Contact person to be added soon
Austria Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie
Mag. phil. Dr. Andreas Winkler
Herzog Friedrich Strasse 25
6020 Innsbruck
Belarus Belarus Club of the History of Pharmacy
Dr. Valentina Sosonkina
BeNeLux Cercle Benelux d’Histoire de la Pharmacie
Dr. Wouter Klein
Utrecht University
Buys Ballot Building, Princetonplein 5
3584 CC Utrecht
Bosnia and Herzegovina Association for Pharmacy – Pharmacy Museum
President Tarik Catic, PhDPharm
Strosmajerova 3/I
71 000 Sarajevo
Canada Société québécoise d’histoire de la pharmacie
Faculté de pharmacie
1050, avenue de la Médecine
Laval, Québec, Canada G1V 0A6
Colombia Corporacion Colombiana de Historia de la Farmacia
Contact person to be added soon
Czech Republic The Section of History of Pharmacy of the Czech Pharmaceutical Society
Mgr. Ladislav Svatoš
Akademika Heyrovského 1203
500 05 Hradec Králové
Czech Republic
Denmark The Danish Society for the History of Pharmacy
Prof. Dr. Poul R. Kruse
Pharmakon a/s
42, Milnersvej
DK-3400 Hilleroed
France Societé d’Histoire de la Pharmacie
Dr. Bruno Bonnemain
Faculté de pharmacie
4, Av. de l’observatoire
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
France Sauvegarde du Patrimonie Pharmaceutique
Amis du Musees de la Pharmacie
Jacque Gravé
4, avenue Ruysdael
F-75379 Paris Cedex 08
Germany Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie
Dr. Susanne Landgraf
Hortensienstr. 22
40474 Düsseldorf
Hong Kong Hong Kong Society for the History of Pharmacy
Patrick Chiu
1101, 11/F., Tung Ning Building
2 Hillier Street, Sheung Wan
Hong Kong
Hungary Hungarian Society for the History of Pharmacy
Dr. Szabolcs Dobson
Szt. Istvan kiraly ut 57
H-6300 Kalocsa
Hungary Hungarian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences
History Division
Dr. Tünde Ambrus
Gyulai Pál u. 16
H-1085 Budapest
Iran Iranian Society for the History of Pharmacy
Arman Zargaran; PharmD, PhD
School of Traditional Medicine, West Jamali Alley, Vafamanesh Street, Heravi Square
1417653761 Tehran
Italy Accademia Italiana di Storia della Farmacia
Italy Nobile Collegio Chimico Farmaceutico
Via in Miranda, 10
I-00786 Roma
Japan The Japanese Society for the History of Pharmacy
Kazushige MORIMOTO Ph.D. D.Min
The Japanese Society for the History of Pharmacy
c/o Center for Academic Publication Japan
Yayoi 2-4-16, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032
Lithuania Lithuanian Society for the History of Pharmacy
Vilma Gudienė
Lithuanian Museum of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy
Raguvos 10A LT3033
Norway Norwegian Society for the History of Pharmacy
Sissel Brinchmann
Poland Polish Society for the History of Pharmacy
Prof. Dr. Iwona Arabas
Wydzial Farmaceutyczny WUM
Ul. Banacha 1
PL 02-097 Warszawa
Romania Romanian Society for the History of Pharmacy
Adriana-Elena Taerel
No.6 Traian Vuia Street
Bucharest 020956
Serbia Section for the History of Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia
Prof. Dr. Dusanka Krajnovic
Bul. Vojvode Misica 25
11000 Beograd
Spain The Society of University Lecturers on History of Spanish Pharmacy
Raúl Rodríguez Nozal
Sweden Swedish Society for the History of Pharmacy
Nils-Otto Ahnfelt
P.O.Box 1136
SE-11181 Stockholm
Switzerland (Swiss Confederation)
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie
Dr. Ursula Hirter-Trüb
c/o pharmaSuisse
Stationsstr. 12
CH-3097 Bern-Liebefeld
Turkey (Türkiye) Turkish History of Pharmacy Research Group
Prof. Dr. Halil Tekiner
Erciyes University Faculty of Pharmacy
Department of the History of Pharmacy and Ethics
TK-38280 Kayseri, Türkiye
United Kingdom British Society for the History of Pharmacy (BSHP)
Prof. Mark Nesbitt (President BSHP 2024-2027)
Catherine Walker (Vice-President BSHP 2024-2027)
Unit Q, Troon Way Business Centre
Humberstone Lane, Leicester
USA American Institute of the History of Pharmacy