Working Group History of Pharmacopoeias
Argentina: Brief outline of the evolution of Pharmacopoeia in Argentina. Edited by Ariadna Matilde Viglione
Austria: The Civil Pharmacopoeias of Austria. Edited by Christa Kletter
The Austrian Military Pharmacopoeias and the Medicine Supply to the Imperial Army. Edited by Christa Kletter
Denmark: The history of the Danish pharmacopoeias. Edited by Poul R. Kruse
Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian national pharmacopoeias. Edited by Ramūnas Kondratas, Vilma Gudienė, Zenona Šimaitienė, Baiba Maurina, Ain Raal, Kalju Paju
France: A stroll through the collections of Pharmacopoeias of the order of pharmacists in Paris. Edited by Olivier Lafont
Pharmacopoeas in France after the French revolution. Edited by Bruno Bonnemain
The Codex Medicamentarius seu Pharmacopoea Parisiensis – 5th edition of 1758. Edited by Hélène Lehmann
German Pharmacopoeias. Edited by Christoph Friedrich
The History of Pharmacopeias in Iran (Persia): From Antiquity to Current Era. Edited by Arman Zargaran & Mohammad M. Zarshenas
Italian Pharmacopoeias. A general survey. Edited by Giovanni Cipriani
Pharmacopoeias from the Ducky of Naples to Kingdom of the two Sicilies. Edited by Raimondo Villano
Pharmacopoeias in Veneto from the fall of the Republic until Italian Unification. Edited by Ernesto Riva
The last Pharmacopoeias of the Italian States prior to Unification (1853-1858). Edited by Antonio Corvi
Mexico: The role of Mexican Pharmacopeias in the construction of a national identity. Edited by Liliana Schifter & Patricia Aceves
Norway: The History of the Norwegian Pharmacopoeias and Formularies. Edited by Gunvor Solheim and Jan Karlsen
Poland: History of Polish Pharmacopoeias. Edited by Anita Magowska
Portugal: Brief history of Portuguese pharmacopoeias (18th-20th century). Edited by João Rui Pita
Romanian Pharmacopoiea from the first to the last edition. Edited by Valentina Soroceanu, UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest
Literature and references about Pharmacopoeias in Romania, throught the ages until today. Edited by Ana Carata, Emilia Stancu, Adriana-Elena Taerel, Constanta Rizescu
Serbia: Phamacopoeia in Serbia. Edited by Dusanka Krajnovic and Jelena Manojlovic, Belgrade University Faculty of Pharmacy
Spain: An Account on the History of the Spanish Pharmacopoeias. Edited by Antonio González Bueno, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
The Royal Spanish Pharmacopoeia Legal Analysis. Edited by Carlos del Castillo Rodríguez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Switzerland: An Account on the Story of the Swiss Pharmacopoeias. Edited by François Ledermann, University of Berne
A contribution to the situation of a Swiss military-pharmacopoeia. Edited by Ursula Hirter-Trüb, Basel
Arabic Pharmacopoeia and Tunisian Pharmacopoeia. Edited by Radhi Jazi & Joëlle Ricordel
Turkey: A Concise History of Turkish Pharmacopoeias from 1818 to Present. Edited by Halil Tekiner, Afife Mat, Mert Sandalci
United Kingdom: Pharmacopoeias of Great Britain. Edited by Stuart Anderson
United States Pharmacopeial Convention: Respecting the past, moving confidently into the future. Edited by Geeta Tirumalai & Angela Long